Tuhin Bhatt
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    Software Development Software Development

    Best Software Development Methodologies to Use In 2024

    Tuhin Bhatt's image.
    Co-founder of LAD

      Last updated on January 8, 2024

      7 min read

    Creating a software application usually with a large team can be chaotic.

    That’s why software development methodologies exist.

    But what are software development methodologies?

    They are guidelines that provide a structured approach to creating software systems.

    In 2024, it’s a very important software team structure.

    These methodologies help software development teams to create, test, and deliver software products.

    From the Waterfall Model to DevOps, each method brings its strengths to the table.

    In this article, we will look at 4 of the best software development methodologies in 2024.

    Without further ado, let’s dive right in.

    Waterfall Model

    First on our list is the Waterfall Model. The Waterfall Model is a traditional software development method that is very structured.

    In this model, the software development process has six phases, and each phase ends before the next one begins.

    The Waterfall Model is famous for its rigid nature, where progress flows in one direction…much like a waterfall.

    It is best suited for projects with requirements that are unlikely to change during the development process.

    The six stages of the waterfall model are:

    1. Requirements Gathering Phase: In this first phase, everyone works together to gather all the project’s requirements. This stage is crucial because these requirements serve as the foundation for the entire project.
    2. System Design Phase: Next, the system’s architecture and design are planned and documented. This phase shows how the software will be structured, including key components of the app.
    3. Implementation (Coding) Phase: This phase involves actual coding or programming based on the design. Developers write the source code, and the software starts to take shape.
    4. Testing Phase: After coding, the software undergoes thorough testing to identify and rectify defects or bugs. Testing has various levels, including unit testing, integration testing, and system testing.
    5. Deployment Phase: Once the software has passed all testing phases, it is released to the end users or clients.
    6. Maintenance Phase: After deployment, support is provided to address any arising issue.

    The Waterfall Model has some pros and cons.


    • Clear Structure: It has a clear structure for the entire software development process. This structure makes it easy to plan and manage the project.
    • Sequential Phases: Each phase ends before moving on to the next, so it is easier to manage the project.
    • Documentation: Documentation is created at each stage, which makes it easy to understand the software.
    • Stakeholder Involvement: Stakeholders’ expectations are generally well-defined, reducing the likelihood of misunderstandings.


    • Rigidity: One of the major drawbacks is its inflexibility. Once a phase is completed, it is challenging and costly to make changes to the project.

      This can be problematic in situations where requirements evolve or are not well understood.
    • Long Delivery Time: It results in longer delivery times, especially for large projects.
    • Costly Changes: Making changes after the project has moved past the first stage can impact the cost of software development.

    Agile Methodology

    The Agile Method is a flexible and prioritizes collaboration, adaptability and customer feedback.

    Agile allows change throughout the development, while encouraging smalll releases of software.

    In this method, there are four phases called sprints, where a working product increment is developed within a short timeframe.

    Each sprint lasts from one to four weeks, and at the end of each sprint, a shippable product increment gets delivered.

    Agile projects focus on customer involvement to help ensure that the product meets their needs.

    There are some pros and cons to using the Agile Method, let’s look at some of them.


    • Flexibility: Agile allows for changes even late in the game, making it good for projects with unclear requirements.
    • Rapid Delivery: Small releases mean that good of the software are often delivered, providing value to customers sooner.
    • Improved Quality: Regular feedback help identify issues early, leading to higher-quality software.
    • Enhanced Collaboration: Agile promotes collaboration among stakeholders, creating a more productive work environment.


    • Resource Intensive: Agile requires active involvement from team members, product owners, and stakeholders.
    • Lack of Documentation: The focus on working software over good docs may result in less docs for future use.
    • Learning Curve: Agile may need training for teams used to other methodologies.

    Spiral Model

    Developed by Barry Boehm in the 1980s, the Spiral Model is well-suited for projects with high levels of uncertainty and risk.

    The Spiral Model combines the agile model and some aspects of the waterfall model.

    The Spiral Model consists of four phases:

    1. Identification of objectives
    2. Risk analysis and planning
    3. Development and verification
    4. Customer evaluation.

    Each phase ends with a review, where stakeholders assess the progress before moving on to the next spiral.

    A central feature of the Spiral Model is its emphasis on risk analysis and management.

    Before each spiral, the team identifies potential risks and develops strategies against them. This proactive approach helps address uncertainties early in the project.

    Like the other models, the Spiral model also has its own pros and cons.


    • Risk Management: The model’s helps address potential issues early, reducing major problems later.
    • Flexibility: The ability to adapt to customer feedback makes it great for projects with evolving needs.
    • High-Quality Output: Continuous evaluation and refinement lead to a higher-quality end product.
    • Client Involvement: Regular customer feedback ensure that the software meets their needs.
    • Progressive Elaboration: The Spiral Model supports change with each spiral.

      This approach enables a more accurate understanding of the project’s needs over time.


    • Complexity: The Spiral Model can be more complex to manage due to its many phases.
    • Resource-Intensive: The nature of the model may need more resources compared to simpler methods.
    • Not Ideal for Small Projects: The Spiral Model is often considered overkill for small projects.
    • Requires Skilled Team: Effective risk analysis and management demand a skilled and experienced project team.


    DevOps, a combination of the words “development” and “operations”, is a novel method to software development.

    It aims to improve collaboration, automate processes, and shorten the software development lifecycle.

    DevOps involves breaking down traditional silos between dev and operations teams. It emphasises automation and fosters a culture of continuous improvement and collaboration.

    Automation is a core aspect of DevOps. It involves using tools and scripts to automate repetitive everyday tasks.

    Some of the tools DevOps uses include Jenkins, Docker, Kubernetes, Git, Ansible, and AWS DevOps Tools.

    DevOps may be very popular today, but it’s not all sunlight and roses, as it has its own pros and cons.


    • Faster Time to Market: DevOps allows you to quickly release software updates and new features.

      This accelerated time to market is a significant advantage in today’s competitive landscape.
    • Improved Collaboration: DevOps brings all teams closer, promoting collaboration and shared responsibilities. This alignment leads to better communication and problem-solving.
    • Better Scalability: DevOps technologies enable scaling of resources to meet changing demand.
    • Reduced Downtime: DevOps helps downtime during maintenance, ensuring software remain available to users.
    • Cost Savings: It lead to a decrease in the cost of software development by reducing manual labor.
      • Cons

        • Complexity: Implementing DevOps practices can be complex, requiring changes in organizational culture, processes, and the adoption of various tools and technologies.
        • Resource and Skill Requirements: DevOps requires skilled personnel who are familiar with automation, containerization, and cloud technologies. Training existing staff or hiring new talent may be necessary.
        • Security Concerns: The speed of DevOps can sometimes lead to security oversights if not properly integrated into the process. Security must be a key consideration in DevOps practices.


        These are four of the most popular software methodologies in the world that you have to be aware of in 2024.

        Of course, there are still a couple of others like Scrum, Lean, RAD, etc., but the four methodologies mentioned above are what you’ll likely see in most top software development companies today.

    Image showing Tuhin Bhatt.
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    Co - Founder

    Tuhin Bhatt is a co-founder of London App Development (LAD), a leading Web and Mobile App Development Company. He helps passionate entrepreneurs build amazing tech products. Tuhin being a peoples man who has a passion to share his technical expertise with clients and other enthusiasts.

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