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    Android App Development Android App Development

    7 Key Features for Successful Android Apps

    Tuhin Bhatt's image.
    Co-founder of LAD

      Published on July 4, 2024

      5 min read

    For many business owners, Building an award-winning Android app is a dream big enough to achieve.

    The truth is, you’ll be closer to achieving your goal if you know what features to include in your Android app development.

    If you still don’t know which Android features to prioritize, this article is for you.

    1. Intuitive User Interface (UI)

    Any developer or business owner usually has an ambition to get their technology in front of as many users as possible.

    One way you can do this is by making your UI accessible to all age groups.

    Consider a scenario where a non-tech-savvy user, such as an elderly person, uses your app. Would they be able to navigate through your features easily?

    This kind of approach is what makes WhatsApp the biggest messaging app today.

    Aside from its simple UI, WhatsApp uses symbols to guide users in taking action, whether sending a voice note or sharing a file document such as a PDF.

    However, designing the perfect UI is not as intuitive as it sounds. Make sure to consult with an Android app development agency, such as London App Development, when creating your plan.

    2. Offline Functionality

    Apps are designed in the first place to be used when there’s an internet connection.

    However, if all apps are like this, how can you make your creation stand out? Consider bringing in offline functionality.

    Netflix and YouTube, the most popular streaming platforms today, utilize background downloads that allow users to watch a movie or a show even when there’s no connectivity around.

    Of course, having this functionality has huge business value as you continue to see the number of daily active users consistently climb.

    3. Application Security

    Recent cyberattack incidents have made users lose their trust in some apps.

    It’s important to implement robust security measures to regain their loyalty.

    Ensure your users feel safe when using your app, such as by offering data protection features and secure in-app transactions.

    4. Responsive Design

    Most users have multiple devices, ranging from mobile phones and laptops to PCs and tabs.

    Therefore, provide users with the best possible experience by making your mobile design responsive across all screen sizes.

    Thankfully, many of the Android app development frameworks available are responsive from the get-go.

    In other words, your developers will not have a hard time when creating a design that suits this purpose.

    5. Cross-Platform Compatibility

    Based on the latest Android app development trends, making your app available across a range of operating systems, such as iOS and Windows, should be a priority.

    Some Android technologies, like Flutter, Google’s own integrated development environment (IDE), support compatibility with diverse ecosystems, services, and plugins across platforms.

    This will not merely be a technological but also a marketing roadmap for your business. The more programs your app is in, the more users you can reach.

    6. Social Features

    Most apps need help retaining their users. It is actually pretty common for customers to get bored with your app soon.

    That’s why it’s important to make your app more engaging by adding social features or, what you can say, “in-app social media.”

    For instance, you can build a live streaming feature if you have an eCommerce app.

    The seller can promote products more attractively, and users will have more fun during their shopping experience by sending live reactions through gifts, chats, or stickers.

    It’s a win-win for both sides.

    The list goes on, and you can even build an entire community by enabling a forum or in-app messaging where users can interact with one another, provide ratings and reviews, etc.

    For further appeal, think of this embedding a “TikTok” or “Instagram”-like functionality.

    With a dedicated “sharing” feature, users can upload an image or a video they independently create and edit, or even collaborate with one another.

    7. Payment Gateway

    If you’re selling through your app, pay attention to your transaction feature as it’s oftentimes an oversight.

    In order to increase checkouts and reduce cart abandonment rates, make sure that your payment gateway operates smoothly and caters all types of cards or methods, the newest additions being QR scanning or cryptocurrency.

    8. App Analytics

    As we’ve focused too much on external functions, there’s a crucial internal function that can be a promising revenue stream for your business—which is your app analytics.

    Aside from important metrics such as revenue and daily or monthly active users, track what these people do when accessing your app.

    From these insights, you’ll know which features to eventually prioritize, or get an idea of what you need to add through real-time feedback.


    The list of features that you should add to your Android development, especially with the fast-paced development of technology, will continue to expand.

    As a business, it’s important to pay attention to the signals. See what your competitors are doing, keep on the lookout for trends, and always do your user or market research.

    If you need help, remember, there’s always a professional app development agency.

    At London App Development, we’ve solved technical issues for small-to-medium businesses and corporates, or even built high-performing apps from the ground.

    If this intrigues you, give us a call.

    Image showing Tuhin Bhatt.
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    Co - Founder

    Tuhin Bhatt is a co-founder of London App Development (LAD), a leading Web and Mobile App Development Company. He helps passionate entrepreneurs build amazing tech products. Tuhin being a peoples man who has a passion to share his technical expertise with clients and other enthusiasts.

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