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    Mobile App Development Mobile App Development

    The 10 Most Common Challenges in App Maintenance and How to Tackle Them

    Tuhin Bhatt's image.
    Co-founder of LAD

      Published on September 15, 2023

      6 min read

    Once an app is deployed, app maintenance is significant.

    App maintenance involves bug fixes, feature updates, and performance enhancements.

    These are crucial for preventing downtime, safeguarding data, staying competitive with evolving trends, and enhancing the user experience.

    However, it can be a challenge, especially with a mobile market that is constantly changing with new devices, operating systems, technologies, trends, and threats.

    In this article, we’ll explore 10 common app maintenance challenges and provide practical solutions to help you overcome them.

    App Maintenance Challenges and Solutions

    Let’s dive into some challenges that app owners need to be aware of:

    #1. Budget and Resources


    One of the biggest challenges in app maintenance is finding the budget and resources to do it effectively.

    This can be especially difficult for small businesses or startups.


    It’s important to prioritise maintenance tasks based on their impact on user experience and revenue generation.

    You should also consider outsourcing non-core maintenance tasks to specialised app developers.

    Also, regularly review your budget to ensure it aligns with your app’s evolving needs.

    #2. Keeping up with the latest trends


    It’s important to keep up with the latest trends in order to provide users with a good experience.

    This means staying up-to-date on new technologies, features, and design trends.


    To do that, continuously monitor industry trends by subscribing to tech news, attending conferences, and networking with peers.

    You can also conduct competitor analysis to see what other apps are doing.

    We also recommend investing in professional development for your team through courses and workshops.

    #3. Security


    Threats to app security are constantly emerging, such as data breaches, code injection attacks, fraudulent in-app purchases, or app cloning.

    Thus, it’s important to take steps to protect user data and the app itself.


    Be sure to implement robust security measures, including encryption for sensitive data and multi-factor authentication for user accounts.

    Regularly conduct security testing and vulnerability assessments to identify weaknesses.

    Then, stay informed about emerging threats through security forums and updates from relevant authorities.

    Finally, promptly apply security patches and updates to keep your app secure.

    #4. Changing Technology and Compatibility


    As new devices and operating systems are released, you need to make sure that your app is compatible with them.

    This can be a challenge, as it requires regular testing and updates.


    To make this process easier, you can use cross-platform development tools that allow you to build an app that can run on multiple platforms.

    Also, keep up with the latest platform guidelines and update your app accordingly to ensure a seamless user experience.

    #5. Communication Between Team Members


    Effective communication between team members is essential for successful app maintenance.

    This can be especially challenging when team members are working remotely or in different time zones.


    To improve communication, you should establish clear communication channels and processes. Use collaboration tools like Slack, Microsoft Teams, or Trello to facilitate real-time communication.

    Establish clear communication protocols, such as daily stand-up meetings or weekly status updates, to ensure all team members are aligned on maintenance tasks and goals.

    Implement regular video conferencing sessions for more nuanced discussions.

    #6. Performance (Downtime and Bugs)


    App performance issues, such as downtime and bugs, can have a negative impact on user experience.

    Downtime can be caused by a variety of factors, such as server errors, power outages, or software bugs.


    You should implement robust testing practices, including load testing and user testing, to identify and fix performance bottlenecks and bugs promptly.

    You can utilise issue tracking software like Jira or ClickUp.

    Then, schedule regular maintenance windows during off-peak hours to minimise user impact during updates and fixes.

    #7. Third-Party Integration


    Third-party integrations can introduce security vulnerabilities or incompatibilities into your app. So, you need to carefully vet any third-party services that you use.


    To mitigate these risks, you should regularly update third-party components and stay informed about their changes and updates.

    You should also test for compatibility after each update to identify and address potential issues promptly.

    Also, consider developing backup plans or alternative integrations for essential third-party services to mitigate disruptions by service outages.

    #8. Documentation


    Outdated or insufficient documentation can prevent the team from effectively maintaining the app.

    This makes it difficult to track changes to the code, identify and fix bugs, onboard new team members, scale the app, and meet the needs of users.


    To avoid this, you should maintain comprehensive documentation for your app, including code comments, API references, and user manuals.

    You should also encourage your development team to document their code and update documentation with each change.

    Finally, regularly review and update documentation to reflect changes in your app, ensuring that it remains a valuable resource for both internal teams and external stakeholders.

    #9. Legacy Code


    Legacy code can be difficult to understand, maintain, and secure. It may be written in outdated programming languages, not well-documented, or contain security vulnerabilities.


    To address this, you should gradually refactor legacy code to align with modern coding practices and standards.

    You should prioritise essential updates and create a roadmap for code improvement.

    Also, focus on modularization, reducing dependencies, and enhancing code readability during the refactoring process.

    Remember to implement thorough testing after each code modification to ensure it doesn’t introduce new issues.

    #10. Growing User Base


    This may be a “great” challenge to have, but it still requires serious attention.

    As your user base grows, it’s important to scale your app maintenance infrastructure to accommodate the increased load.


    Having more users may require you to use cloud-based solutions or serverless architecture.

    You should also monitor user adoption trends and identify potential scaling bottlenecks in advance.

    Then, optimise app performance to handle increased user load efficiently, and consider implementing automated scaling solutions to adapt to fluctuations in user traffic.

    Furthermore, allocate resources for user support and customer service to maintain a positive user experience during growth periods.


    App maintenance is essential for a smoothly running and competitive mobile application, but it comes with its challenges.

    In this article, we explored 10 common app maintenance challenges and provided practical solutions.

    The key takeaways are:

    • Prioritise maintenance tasks based on their impact on user experience and revenue generation.
    • Use cross-platform development tools to simplify app maintenance across multiple devices and platforms.
    • Implement robust security measures to safeguard user data and your app from threats.
    • Stay agile and adaptable to handle evolving technology and ensure compatibility.
    • Foster effective communication within your team to align on maintenance tasks and goals.
    • Regularly test your app to identify and resolve performance issues and bugs.
    • Stay informed about third-party integrations to prevent compatibility problems.
    • Maintain comprehensive documentation to simplify app maintenance and updates.
    • Scale your app maintenance infrastructure to accommodate a growing user base.

    By following these tips, you can help ensure that your app is well-maintained and provides a positive user experience.

    Image showing Tuhin Bhatt.
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    Co - Founder

    Tuhin Bhatt is a co-founder of London App Development (LAD), a leading Web and Mobile App Development Company. He helps passionate entrepreneurs build amazing tech products. Tuhin being a peoples man who has a passion to share his technical expertise with clients and other enthusiasts.

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