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    How to Make Debugging Easier with a JavaScript Validator

    Tuhin Bhatt's image.
    Co-founder of LAD

      Last updated on August 30, 2024

      5 min read

    There is no doubt that debugging JavaScript code is one of the most complex and time-consuming tasks that developers have to do. They have to spend hours and hours finding flaws in the code like semi-colon, invalid syntax, etc. And it’s like finding a needle in the forest.

    It is true that tracking down such bugs will not only slow down the development process but also kill overall productivity. But wait…let us give you some good news. Due to the continuous advancements in technology, there numerous online JavaScript validation tools have been introduced.

    These validators have completely transformed the debugging process. Continue reading this blog post till the end to know how.

    What is a JavaScript Validator?

    As we already mentioned, a JavaScript validator is an online tool that allows developers to quickly scan their code for any type of errors or bugs. All they need to do is just paste or upload the JS code file on the validator, hit the “Validate” button, and get output results.

    The best thing is that most JavaScript validators available online are completely free to use and have a user-intuitive interface for ease of working.

    Now, let’s understand how tools are contributing to streamlining the debugging process.

    How a JavaScript Validator Can Help Streamline the Debugging Process

    There are a number of ways through which a JS validator has totally streamlined the labor-intensive code debugging process.

    1. Automatic Syntax Validation:

    We all know that each programming language has its syntax and rules. The same is the case with JavaScript. However, no matter how skillful a developer you are, there are still chances that your written JS code may contain syntax mistakes.

    Such mistakes are fixed during the debugging process. However, manually doing so will require significant time and effort, this can be especially true for lengthy code. Fortunately, that’s not the case with JavaScript validator. It will automatically scan your given code to detect highlight syntax errors.

    To demonstrate better, we provided a sample JS code that has multiple syntax errors to an online JavaScript validator.

    Here is our provided code:

    function greet(name) {
    console.log(“Hello” name);

    greet “Alice”;

    Tool Output:

    As you can see in the screenshot above, the validator has highlighted the syntax along with the reason, so that it can be fixed immediately.

    2. Quick & Accurate Code Linting

    Code linting is a special aspect of debugging that involves ensuring the JS code quality, formatting, and potential bugs based on pre-defined rules. For example, during code linting, developers often have to find unused or unidentified variables, complex codes, or missing descriptions.

    Fortunately, this can also be done with the help of the JS validator tool. It is designed and trained JavaScript rules to find and highlight inconsistencies in the input code quickly and accurately. This will also save a bunch of time and effort for developers while ensuring an error-free debugging process.

    Let us explain this with a proper demonstration as well. We provided the following JavaScript code containing a few inconsistencies and unused variables to a validator.

    Here is the code:

    function calculateArea(length, width) {
    let area = length * width.
    let perimeter = 2 * (length + width); // Unused variable
    return area;

    The results the JS validator provided can be seen in the attachment below.


    3. Line-By-Line Mistake Highlighting

    Finally, almost every JavaScript validator available on the internet including the one we are using in this blog for demonstration, highlights mistakes line by line. So that, the developer can quickly skim through all the detected mistakes with maximum ease.

    The line-by-line error identification will come in handy when you are debugging lengthy code. And the best thing is that validators also mention “Line number,” “Column number,” and the “Source,” for ease of fixing.

    So, after going through these few ways, you will have an efficient idea of how online JS validating tools have completely streamlined the hectic debugging process. Now, just paste the code into the tool and see the highlighting of bugs.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How accurate JavaScript validators are at debugging?

    Almost all JS validators available on the internet are highly accurate at catching flaws. This is because they are trained in JavaScript coding rules and use advanced algorithms for quick scanning and detection.

    Why should developers use a JavaScript validator?

    Manually performing the debugging process for JS code will not only require time and effort but also contain a chance that the developer’s eye may accidentally skip minor bugs. Fortunately, that’s not the online code-validating tool.

    What type of bugs or issues an online JS validator can check for?

    A JavaScript validator can detect numerous types of errors in the code such as syntax issues, unused variables, missing semicolons, parenthesis, brackets, invalid duplicate declarations, and many more.

    Final Words

    The time-consuming process of finding potential bugs in the JS code has become a breeze now, all thanks to the introduction of advanced JavaScript validators. Developers just need to paste the code into the online validating tool, and it will scan and highlight all the mistakes along with reasons. In this blog post, we have explained how such tools have streamlined the debugging process.

    Image showing Tuhin Bhatt.
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    Co - Founder

    Tuhin Bhatt is a co-founder of London App Development (LAD), a leading Web and Mobile App Development Company. He helps passionate entrepreneurs build amazing tech products. Tuhin being a peoples man who has a passion to share his technical expertise with clients and other enthusiasts.

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