Tuhin Bhatt
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    iOS App Development iOS App Development

    6 Top iOS App Development Trends You Cannot Miss in 2024

    Tuhin Bhatt's image.
    Co-founder of LAD

      Last updated on July 11, 2024

      5 min read

    The rivalry between iOS apps becomes even tougher, especially with 1.8million offerings in the App Store. So, how can your business keep up? 

    It is important to have a clearly defined unique selling proposition (USP), which you can discover by staying on top of the latest iOS app development trends.

    From the implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) to the advancement of Web3, the market is filled with anticipation about the future of iOS development

    Now, the dice are for you to roll. If you’re also excited about what the future holds, read this article to learn about the newest trends. 

    Hopefully, you’ll gain insights into the additional features that will help you acquire more customers.

    1. Swift 6 and SwiftUI

    Swift 6, one of the best iOS programming languages, is the latest major update since the release of its predecessor in 2019.

    This new iteration brings more simplicity to Swift’s syntax, making it more efficient and straightforward to learn.

    Swift 6 also supports operating systems other than iOS and MacOS, opening up the possibility of cross-platform app development.

    Along with the release of Swift 6 comes the wider adoption of SwiftUI. More and more developers are using this framework because of its ease of use.

    For example, SwiftUI has a real-time preview that lets you see layout changes and adjust them quickly. 

    2. Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality (AR/VR)

    Virtual content is another iOS app development trend that you should keep an eye on.

    Businesses across various industries, including healthcare, retail, and education, have integrated AR/VR into their apps.

    Retail apps, for instance, allow customers to try on clothes in different styles and colors through an interactive augmented dimension. 

    Meanwhile, education apps with augmented reality can improve students’ learning experience through 3D simulations.

    Further, to accommodate virtual content development, Apple has released ARKit 5. This tool helps developers create smarter AR and VR apps through location anchor and face tracking.

    3. Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

    There is no sign that the AI movement is slowing down. Therefore, implementing this high-tech technology in your Apple products should be your top priority,

    The Core ML framework, one of the best iPhone app development tools, helps developers integrate machine learning into iOS apps.

    Then, they can add abilities such as natural language processing (NLP) and image recognition to improve interactivity as well as user experience. 

    With NLP, apps can understand voice commands better and provide users with what they need without having to type.

    Meanwhile, image recognition gives apps the ability to be familiar with human faces. 

    For instance, if you’re looking for certain photos in your gallery that feature a specific person, this tool can help you quickly identify the relevant images. 

    4. Internet of Things and Wearables Integration

    The variety of smart home products will grow in 2024. From coffee makers to security systems, almost every household item can now be controlled at our fingertips. 

    For that reason, it is a good idea to familiarize yourself and your developers with HomeKit, Apple’s framework for integrating the Internet of Things into iOS apps.

    Similar to IoT devices, wearables continue to become a central part of consumers’ lives. Smartwatches and fitness trackers are a few popular examples.

    Wearables are not only helpful for checking the time and workout performance. Consumers also use them to keep up with phone notifications, send messages, and play music. 

    That is why wearable apps become a top iOS app development trend. You can use this opportunity to build apps that work seamlessly between devices and provide the best experience.

    Further Reading: Top Advantages of iPhone Application Development

    5. App Clips

    Downloading apps can be a hassle for some users, especially those who store a lot of data on their devices — be it a video or a document.

    That is where App Clips come in handy. Without a large download, users can still benefit from the core features that these apps offer.

    Not only are they small in size, they will automatically be deleted after 30 days of no usage. That means users do not have to go through the trouble of sorting unused apps.

    6. Privacy and Security Improvement

    Giving your customers the best user experience involves features that require personal information, such as identity and credit card details. 

    However, user data security has always been a concern since hackers are always looking for ways to access the data.

    For this reason, developers must follow best security practices when building iOS apps.

    Some of the best practices include encrypting data, enforcing two-factor authentication, and adding a reminder to change passwords frequently.

    Further, developers should integrate Apple’s AppTransportSecurity (ATS) into the apps they develop. ATS is Apple’s network feature that helps improve privacy and secure connections.


    Staying on top of iOS development trends helps you discover what the market anticipates, along with high-priority features that any developer or business owner should turn into reality.

    Should you need help with the newest app development approaches, London App Development (LAD) is the best partner you can find.

    Our experienced developers will be ready to assist you in no time.

    Contact us today!

    Image showing Tuhin Bhatt.
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    Co - Founder

    Tuhin Bhatt is a co-founder of London App Development (LAD), a leading Web and Mobile App Development Company. He helps passionate entrepreneurs build amazing tech products. Tuhin being a peoples man who has a passion to share his technical expertise with clients and other enthusiasts.

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