Tuhin Bhatt
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    Mobile App Development Mobile App Development

    Common Myths of Mobile Application Development

    Tuhin Bhatt's image.
    Co-founder of LAD

      Published on May 22, 2024

      4 min read

    Did you know that over 31% of app development projects in the UK are canceled before completion?

    Surprised by the number of failed app projects? Blame the myths.

    Many UK startups and online business owners fall victim to common myths and misconceptions about mobile app development.

    Ready to learn the facts? Dive in as we expose the myths and guide you towards successful app development.

    Myth 1: It’s Very Expensive to Develop Mobile Apps

    Many people believe that building a mobile app costs millions of dollars.

    This myth persists because high-profile apps often have big budgets.

    In reality, app development costs vary widely.

    Due to the large expenses associated with high-profile apps, this misconception persists.

    In reality, app development costs vary widely.

    The features, development process, and complexity of the software all affect its pricing.

    Start with a minimum viable product (MVP), concentrate on key functionality, and leverage affordable development platforms to reduce costs.

    You may also save money by working with reputable app development companies or freelancers.

    Even small businesses may afford to create a profitable mobile application with careful preparation.

    Myth 2: You Need to Have a Unique Idea

    Some believe that to succeed in mobile app development, you must have a never-before-seen idea.
    This myth stems from the misconception that only groundbreaking ideas can be successful.

    However, success is often about how you execute an idea rather than the uniqueness of the concept itself.
    Apps like Uber and Airbnb weren’t unique concepts but succeeded because they were executed exceptionally well.

    Myth 3: Only Big Companies Can Develop Successful Apps

    The myth that only big companies can develop successful apps is a common misconception in the mobile app development industry.

    Many believe that smaller players need more expertise or funding to compete with larger companies in this market.

    However, the reality is quite different.

    Numerous successful apps have been developed by startups and small businesses.

    These smaller players often succeed due to their agility, innovative ideas, and ability to focus on niche markets.

    They can adapt quickly to market changes and user feedback, giving them a competitive edge over larger, more bureaucratic organizations.

    Myth 4: Once Launched, the Job is Done

    Launching the app isn’t the final step in the app development process; it’s the beginning of a continuous cycle of updates and improvements.

    The myth that once an app is launched, the work is done is misleading and can lead to unsuccessful apps.

    In reality, ongoing updates, maintenance, and user feedback are crucial for an app’s success.

    After launch, it’s important to have a post-launch strategy in place to ensure the app remains relevant and competitive.

    This includes monitoring user feedback, analyzing app performance, and regularly updating features to meet user needs and address any issues that may arise.

    A proactive approach to post-launch activities can help maintain user engagement and ensure long-term success for the app.

    Myth 5: More Features Mean Better Apps

    The myth that more features make better apps is appealing because it offers users more value.

    However, the reality is that simplicity and a focus on user experience often lead to better apps.

    Apps with too many features can become cluttered and confusing for users.

    For example, the app Instagram gained popularity not for its multitude of features, but for its simple and intuitive way of sharing photos.

    Similarly, the app Duolingo became successful by offering a straightforward and effective language learning experience without overwhelming users with unnecessary features.

    Prioritizing essential features and removing unnecessary complexity can result in apps that are easier to use and more enjoyable for users.

    Myth 6: Mobile Apps Don’t Need Marketing

    The myth that mobile apps don’t need marketing is prevalent among some developers who believe that a great app will naturally attract users.

    However, the reality is that marketing is essential for app visibility and user acquisition.
    For instance, the app “Pokémon GO” became a global sensation not just because of its innovative gameplay, but also because of the extensive marketing campaign that Niantic, the developer, undertook to promote the app.

    Through social media, partnerships, and events, they created immense buzz around the app, leading to millions of downloads.

    This example highlights the importance of marketing in making an app successful.


    Recognizing the realities of app development is crucial for success.

    Myths can lead to misconceptions and poor decision-making.

    Focusing on user experience, continuous improvement, and effective marketing helps create standout apps.

    Applying these insights to app development projects can lead to better outcomes.

    Image showing Tuhin Bhatt.
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    Co - Founder

    Tuhin Bhatt is a co-founder of London App Development (LAD), a leading Web and Mobile App Development Company. He helps passionate entrepreneurs build amazing tech products. Tuhin being a peoples man who has a passion to share his technical expertise with clients and other enthusiasts.

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