Tuhin Bhatt
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    Software Development Software Development

    5 Reasons Why Your Business Needs Custom Software Development

    Tuhin Bhatt's image.
    Co-founder of LAD

      Published on June 3, 2024

      6 min read

    Ask yourself: how many software or tools are you using for your business operations?

    Typically, startups or small-to-medium-sized businesses use numerous software systems such as customer relations management (CRM), enterprise resource planning (ERP), and data analytics tools.

    Subscriptions to these stacks of software add up significantly to your monthly expenses.

    As your business grows and operations become more complex, the need for additional tools is inevitable.

    Custom software development provides a scalable solution that can adapt to your evolving needs.

    Just how much will you spend on software only?

    This is one of the main reasons your business needs custom software development.

    With a customized software solution, you can streamline and centralize a wide range of operations, from finance and sales to marketing and human resources.

    This comprehensive approach can enhance efficiency and productivity across your business.

    So, if you are considering developing custom software but still have doubts, this article is for you.

    Here are the top reasons why your business needs custom software development:

    Reason #1 – Increasing Productivity by Automating Manual Tasks

    In an organizational setting, manual tasks can take away your team’s precious time toward projects that actually add to business value.

    Some examples:

    • Marketing: Publishing content on social media.
    • Finance and Accounting: Sending payrolls to be processed.
    • Development: Backing up website files daily, weekly, or monthly.
    • Human Resources: Screening incoming resumes.
    • General Administration: Scanning, completing, and organizing administrative files.

    Many of these tasks can actually be automated.

    While off-the-shelf solutions are readily available in the market, they are sold separately for each of the aforementioned functions.

    So, the quickest and simplest solution is to develop your own custom software.

    You’ll have more control over the tasks you want to automate while keeping costs economical.

    In the long run, automation in custom software development will improve team-wide productivity.

    Employees will be happier and produce higher-quality output, and as you watch this positive progression, your business will grow simultaneously.

    Reason #2 – Upgrading Obsolete Software

    Let’s face it – out-of-date software is annoying.

    Your employees hate it because its user interface is complicated, and its performance is slow – hindering them from finishing their work.

    Your developers hate it because instead of contributing to your company’s technological innovations, they end up fixing bugs that will only reappear.

    Obsolete software isn’t a quick and affordable fix either.

    Upgrading it can cost you around USD 250,000.

    Even if you update your tech specs, its functionalities will not be able to adapt to today’s fast-paced technological changes.

    All in all, in terms of sustainability, obsolete software is better to be replaced.

    This is where custom software development becomes more necessary.

    If you think some of the features in your obsolete software are worth keeping, you can incorporate them into your custom software.

    In parallel, you can also optimize or add features that will empower your work.

    Consult a trusted agency partner if you’re considering migrating your obsolete software to brand-new, upgraded, and customized software.

    Reason #3 – Boosting Brand Awareness with Personalized Software

    One of the biggest cons of off-the-shelf software is the limitation of adding your brand’s trademark.

    Standard software is “less unique” as it uses a template that is also adopted by hundreds or thousands of businesses.

    There is an option to add your name or brand to this software, but the bill that comes with it might not be worth the investment.

    If your business wants to stand out among competitors or catch the audience’s attention, consider rebranding with custom software.

    Personalizing your software with your brand can increase customers’s attachment to your product, increasing conversion and retention rates.

    A successful case study of this is Amazon.

    Instead of opting for the fast route (ready-made software), the eCommerce giant used proprietary technologies to customize and personalize customers’ purchasing experiences.

    This technological transformation proved to be one of Amazon’s most profitable decisions until today – cementing its name as one of the most recognized brands in the market.

    Reason #4 – Reducing Costs Without Compromise

    There are plenty of reasons why your software needs some changes:

    • Your software is filled with features you don’t need versus those you use.
    • Your software requires a lot of costly, third-party integrations for it to be functional.
    • Your software does not have defining features that give it a competitive edge.

    Tackling these problems individually might require different approaches, which could result in higher costs and software management challenges.

    One solution can fix these issues all at once – and that is custom software development.

    Start by setting up a benchmark based on the problems and your expectations of the resolutions.

    From there, it’ll be easier to start developing the software as there are requirements in place and roadmaps to follow.

    Reason #5 – Strengthening Security

    One common loophole shared between off-the-shelf and outdated software has to do with the security systems.

    When the software is attacked, your business data will be compromised.

    Even your engineering team cannot do anything about it except to wait for the security issues to be solved.

    With custom software development, you can be more at peace as security concerns will be much more manageable.

    First, you can store your data on your own server, so you won’t need to worry about potential leaks.

    You can request to apply roles-based access so you can specifically map which users can access which files, features, or data.

    Plus, when there are potential cyberattacks, your team can take immediate action.

    It is common for custom software to have its own security monitoring program to flag incoming threats.

    Moreover, if you integrate AI, this up-and-coming technology can suggest possible ways to resolve such issues.


    So, have you decided whether custom software development is the right path for you?

    If not, no worries.

    We understand that making decisions is hard, and that’s why our team is open to consultation to help you with them.

    As an experienced app development company, LAD will go above and beyond to identify your business problems and customize a perfectly fitted software solution.

    Contact us today!

    Image showing Tuhin Bhatt.
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    Co - Founder

    Tuhin Bhatt is a co-founder of London App Development (LAD), a leading Web and Mobile App Development Company. He helps passionate entrepreneurs build amazing tech products. Tuhin being a peoples man who has a passion to share his technical expertise with clients and other enthusiasts.

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