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    Mobile App Development Mobile App Development

    10 Best Practices for Effective App Maintenance

    Tuhin Bhatt's image.
    Co-founder of LAD

      Published on September 15, 2023

      7 min read

    App development is just the beginning.

    After deployment, effective app maintenance is important to keep your app valuable and competitive.

    In this article, we’ll delve into ten crucial strategies tailored to app owners, ensuring your app runs smoothly, securely, and stays ahead in today’s dynamic marketplace.

    Types of App Maintenance

    Before we dive into best practices, let’s explore the types of app maintenance:

    • Preventive Maintenance: Proactively identify and address potential issues through code reviews, testing, and security checks to fortify your app against future problems.
    • Perfective Maintenance: Enhance existing features, fix bugs, and refine the user interface for an improved user experience.
    • Adaptive Maintenance: Stay current with the evolving digital landscape by supporting new devices, operating systems, and emerging regulations, thus ensuring ongoing relevance.
    • Corrective Maintenance: Swiftly resolve issues as they arise to maintain your app’s reliability, from bug fixes to data recovery.
    • Emergency Maintenance: Respond promptly to critical issues, preventing disruptions and upholding user trust during emergencies.

    App Maintenance Best Practices

    Now, let’s delve into the tips for effective app maintenance.

    #1. Create an Effective Schedule

    A well-thought-out maintenance schedule is the backbone of efficient app upkeep.

    It involves several crucial practices:

    Develop a Comprehensive Schedule

    Start by outlining a detailed maintenance plan. This should encompass all types of app maintenance.

    Prioritise User Convenience

    Consider your users when scheduling maintenance activities. Aim to minimise user inconvenience for a positive experience.

    For example, schedule maintenance during low-traffic periods, like midnight.

    Allocate Resources and Budget

    A structured maintenance schedule ensures that you allocate the necessary budget and personnel to different maintenance tasks, promoting efficient app management.

    #2. Prioritise Users

    Effective app maintenance hinges on a user-focused approach, centred on:

    User Feedback and Surveys

    Actively seek input from your users through surveys and feedback mechanisms.

    You could also create a feedback forum or social media channel where users can share their thoughts and suggestions.

    This helps you gain insights into their preferences and pain points, enabling you to align maintenance efforts with user needs.

    App Reviews and Rankings

    Regularly monitor app reviews and rankings in stores. These provide valuable user-generated insights that can guide your maintenance efforts.

    Addressing issues raised in reviews can lead to improved app performance and user satisfaction.

    #3. Test Updates

    Before making any changes to your app, comprehensive testing is essential.

    This involves examining new features, bug fixes, and improvements to ensure they don’t introduce issues.

    It’s crucial to test your app on various devices and systems for compatibility. Below are some methods to use:

    Controlled Testing Environment

    Conduct rigorous testing in a controlled environment that simulates real-life scenarios.

    This safeguards your app’s stability, ensuring new features and bug fixes perform as expected without problems.

    Effective Version Control

    Implement a strong version control system to meticulously track app changes.

    This approach streamlines issue identification and resolution during maintenance, simplifying the entire process.

    You could also use a tool like TestFlight to get feedback from beta testers.

    #4. Monitor App’s Performance

    To maintain your app effectively, monitor its performance closely.

    Here are some key metrics to track:

    • Net Promoter Score (NPS): This measures user satisfaction and their likelihood to recommend your app. A higher NPS is better.
    • User Satisfaction Score: This reflects how happy users are with your app. Regular checks help find areas to improve.
    • Loading Time: Slow loading annoys users and can make them leave. Keep an eye on loading times to keep your app responsive.
    • Number of Instals and Uninstalls: Tracking these shows user adoption and retention. Sudden drops signal issues.

    You can also use a tool like Firebase for more insights.

    #5. Stay current with Trends and Latest Designs

    To make sure your app stays popular and competitive, it’s important to keep up with the latest trends and design ideas.

    This means keeping your app looking fresh and appealing to users who expect a modern and user-friendly experience.

    For instance, popular platforms like Instagram, Reddit, and YouTube have embraced the trend of short vertical videos, inspired by TikTok’s success.

    Staying informed about such shifts can help your app stay relevant and attractive to users.

    #6. Thoughtfully Add New Features

    It’s a good idea to keep your users engaged by adding new features to your app regularly. However, this should be done carefully.

    Make sure the new features match what your users want and don’t harm the app’s performance or security.

    To find inspiration for these new features, you can look at user reviews, conduct user testing, and run surveys to gather valuable feedback from your audience.

    This way, you’ll be able to make informed decisions about which features to add and how to improve your app effectively.

    #7. Vigilantly Check for Bugs

    No app is immune to bugs, and their presence can diminish user satisfaction. However, you can minimise their risk.

    Implementing a bug-fixing routine ensures that your app continues to deliver a seamless and enjoyable user experience.

    You can also use issue tracking software like Jira, ClickUp, or Zoho Bug Tracker to help with bug management.

    Another option is to offer users a way to report bugs directly to you.

    #8. Improve Security

    Neglecting security can have severe consequences, such as data breaches, loss of user trust, and legal liabilities.

    Here’s how to bolster your app’s security:

    • Encryption: Protect sensitive user data, like passwords and banking details, with robust encryption.
    • Authentication: Implement secure user verification processes, like multi-factor authentication, to safeguard user accounts.
    • Regular Updates: Keep your app’s security features up-to-date to address new threats.
    • Testing: Conduct thorough security tests to identify and fix weaknesses.

    For instance, major companies like Google, Meta, and Apple consistently release security updates to protect user data.

    By prioritising security, you can safeguard your users and maintain their trust in your app.

    #9. Update Licences

    If your app depends on third-party libraries or services, diligent licence management is crucial.

    Keeping licences up to date ensures your app complies with the latest regulations.

    Non-compliance can result in legal complications and penalties.

    Failing to adhere to licensing agreements can harm your app’s reputation, potentially driving users away.

    Therefore, do the following practices:

    • Regular Checks: Periodically review the licences of third-party components your app uses.
    • Updates: Stay informed about any updates or changes to these licences.
    • Documentation: Maintain accurate records of the licences and versions of third-party components integrated into your app.

    You could also use a software composition analysis (SCA) tool like Black Duck to help you manage your licences.

    By diligently managing third-party licences, you protect your app from legal issues and maintain a positive reputation among users and regulators.

    #10. Have a Dedicated Team

    Maintaining a successful app requires teamwork.

    Having a dedicated maintenance team with the right skills is crucial. They should know about app development, testing, security, and compliance.

    Their job is to keep your app running smoothly, securely, and efficiently, ensuring a reliable user experience.

    If assembling a team is challenging, you can hire app developers.

    When choosing one, consider their experience, expertise, track record, communication methods, and pricing.

    By having a dedicated team or hiring experts, you’ll ensure your app stays well-maintained and valuable to your business.


    Effective app maintenance is essential to keep your app valuable and competitive.

    Here are the key takeaways:

    • Create a maintenance schedule and prioritise user feedback.
    • Test updates thoroughly and monitor performance closely.
    • Stay up-to-date with trends and add features thoughtfully.
    • Fix bugs promptly and keep your app secure.
    • Carefully manage third-party licences.
    • Have a dedicated team or hire experts.

    By following these best practices, you can keep your app running smoothly and up-to-date for years to come.

    Image showing Tuhin Bhatt.
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    Co - Founder

    Tuhin Bhatt is a co-founder of London App Development (LAD), a leading Web and Mobile App Development Company. He helps passionate entrepreneurs build amazing tech products. Tuhin being a peoples man who has a passion to share his technical expertise with clients and other enthusiasts.

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