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    iOS App Development iOS App Development

    Most Common iOS Mobile App Development Challenges

    Tuhin Bhatt's image.
    Co-founder of LAD

      Last updated on July 16, 2024

      5 min read

    iOS mobile app development is now accessible not only to big companies or large corporations but also to small businesses and individuals with the right background and understanding of the challenges involved.

    The mobile app market is projected to reach an estimated 525 billion pounds sterling volume by 2026.

    Behind such outstanding statistics, though, iOS mobile app development challenges await. 

    That’s why, to help you ease into your mobile app development process, we will guide you through the most common challenges and explain how your business can thrive. 

    Let’s get started.

    5 Challenges of iOS App Development

    1. Compatibility of the Devices

    Apple has a range of products aside from mobile phones, namely tablets, PCs, and other hardware.

    However, not all apps are compatible with all iOS devices. Screen size and resolution, hardware capabilities, and compatibility with the latest iOS updates can be obstacles, especially for older Apple devices. 

    Therefore, ensuring that your app functions well across all iOS devices is crucial. 

    Note that Apple’s products vary in processors and operating systems, so you’ll need to optimize your app for these aspects. 

    Testing on multiple devices can minimize compatibility challenges. For flexibility, the auto-adaptive layouts for the user interfaces will be suggested. 

    Most importantly, keep your app up-to-date with the latest updates to get the most out of iPhone app development advantages.

    If you’re still facing a compatibility issue, it’s always good to start consulting with a professional.

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    2. App Security

    App security is a serious concern because it’s related to user privacy. Once this aspect is broken, users will lose their trust and stop using your app entirely. 

    It’s not rare to hear cases where iOS apps get hacked, resulting in the exposure and compromise of personal information and login credentials. 

    Make sure such scandals don’t fall onto your business as the news will forever stay on the internet for the whole wide world to see, damaging your reputation for the long-term.

    In any case, for preventive measures, use secure storage to store personal information and have it protected with the iOS keychain for an extra layer of encryption. 

    Providing two-factor authentication is another classic remedy that never fails. 

    Most importantly, it’s your responsibility to ensure that your iOS app complies with the best security practices, such as by implementing secure APIs or installing the latest security patches.

    3. Storage Issues & Battery Consumption

    Apple devices have impressive power and storage capacity, but they’re also known to have considerable limits. 

    A common mistake is that developers only test their app on the newest Apple model, when there are many users that still use the oldest ones which may have weaker battery consumption and less storage. 

    Therefore, make sure that your app stays responsive across all types of Apple devices and models. 

    Utilizing the best iPhone app development tools, optimise performance by writing clean and efficient code for lower memory use. Pay attention to memory allocations in every iOS release to prevent devices from slowing down. 

    Lastly, regular compression can be performed to reduce app storage and minimize battery usage.

    4. Mobile App Approval

    Getting your app approved by Apple is not as easy as it sounds. For one, Apple has strict review requirements, which pose a huge challenge for developers. 

    Not only that. If your app submission is rejected, your time-to-market will be severely delayed. 

    Therefore, pay close attention to Apple’s app review guidelines. Make sure that: 

    • Your app has minimum performance issues
    • Your app does not have any incomplete information
    • Your app has few numbers of bugs and none that are unresolvable 
    • Etc

    Approaching your mobile app development professionally will yield a better chance of success for your business. Therefore, plan thorough testing internally or with users so you can make an app that’s ready to use by your target audience.

    5. App Updates & Bug Fixing

    So, your app gets approved by the App Store? Of course, you can celebrate a little, but remember that a long to-do list awaits. Remember, it’s still the beginning of a much more exciting journey!

    Once your app goes live, more and more users will come and test its functionality. Focus on ensuring that all features work properly. Identify bugs before real-time users catch them. 

    Some proven methods will help your app keep up with changing users’s needs and market competitiveness. 

    First, regularly update your app and keep providing the best experience for users. 

    Second, use mixed testing strategies, including unit, UI, and integration tests. Feedback from this compiled method of testing will be helpful in monitoring your app’s health, enabling you to troubleshoot all the crashes reported before they become too big. 


    There’s a wealth of opportunities for success in the mobile app development industry. All you have to do is keep going despite any obstacle you face, including iOS mobile app development challenges. 

    Sometimes, going alone isn’t easy. Find a partner that will take your app to its highest stage of success, like London App Development. With 40+ skilled developers specialising in mobile apps, LAD is the best choice for your needs.

    Image showing Tuhin Bhatt.
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    Co - Founder

    Tuhin Bhatt is a co-founder of London App Development (LAD), a leading Web and Mobile App Development Company. He helps passionate entrepreneurs build amazing tech products. Tuhin being a peoples man who has a passion to share his technical expertise with clients and other enthusiasts.

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